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The Collection - Treasures of the Exhibition


The collection of the Agrarmuseum Wandlitz is the heart of the Barnim Panorama. A multitude of exhibits - from prehistoric and early historical finds to large-scale agricultural machinery - tell the story of the landscape and agriculture, of people, animals, and their everyday lives in the permanent exhibition.


… in depots, special exhibitions and online


Since we can only show a fraction of our total collection of about 7300 objects, a large part of our exhibits are well stored in the depots. They are shown in the context of special exhibitions in the Barnim Panorama or in other museums.Even solid, industrially manufactured machines are affected by environmental factors such as light, heat, and humidity. Counteracting these processes is a task that the Barnim Panorama takes on by continuously restoring its exhibits. We want to preserve tractors, combine harvesters and plows as cultural assets for future generations and convey their original use.

In addition, the Brandenburg museums present more of their "treasures" with the project "museum-digital". The Barnim Panorama continuously participates in projects for digital indexing and strives to make its collection searchable online. The focus is currently on the topic "Handicrafts in the countryside".


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